
Directory of social innovators redefining livelihoods and leadership in the 21st century sub-Saharan Africa. 

The MasterCard Foundation and Ashoka have partnered to launch Future Forward, an initiative that identifies and supports social entrepreneurs and changemakers with innovative solutions for youth employment in sub-Saharan Africa. The initiative convenes a wider community of practitioners, thought leaders, and young Africans with effective approaches and a vision for redefining livelihoods and leadership in the 21st century.

The directory features 36 of the Future Forward social innovators, ranging from early-stage, youth-lead enterprises to advanced-stage efforts leading the way to create systemic change in the field of youth livelihoods. We showcase them around six big ideas:

  1. Don't exploit young people or create entitlement: reward meaningful contributions
  2. Design classrooms beyond walls: ensure youth rapidly skill-up through community problem-solving
  3. Promote purpose and holistic health as foundational for career development
  4. Redefine what counts as a “good” job
  5. Revive intergenerational teamwork
  6. Don’t just serve youth - trust youth to lead

? Discover their meaningful work by reading our report: