As a changemaker, you have to be comfortable telling stories to engage both the hearts and the heads of your audience to help give wings to your project.

    Eight Steps to Creating a "Sticky" Story

    Sharing our stories is easier than ever. What makes great stories so powerful is their "stickiness," their ability to draw our attention and engage our hearts and minds. The best stories spread good ideas like wildfire and inspire us to take action. And that's precisely what makes storytelling such a powerful tool for social innovators.

    Step 1. Reflect and build your narrative arc.
    Step 2. Identify your key audience (i.e. the general public, social innovators, thought leaders, funders)
    Step 3. Select your core message.
    Step 4. Choose your story type (i.e. challenge story, big idea, how-to, impact).
    Step 5. Create your call to action.
    Step 6. Select your story medium (i.e. written, video, audio, spoken).
    Step 7. Create an authentic and concrete story.
    Step 8. Optimize channels for sharing your story.

    Ashoka has encouraged the following types of stories in its identification of leading social innovators for the past 30 years: the challenge story, the how-to story, the big idea story, the impact story.

    ?Remember that everyone has a story. This guide will help you tell yours:

    A Changemaker's Guide to Storytelling
    Storytelling Checklist